Our vision
Train up Hungarian youth leaders in Bible-centred youth work.
Acorn’s aim is clear. We want to see youth workers serving God through their local churches – loving their young people and teaching the Bible well. Through training in Bible-centred youth work, leaders are equipped to teach in a manner that is faithful to Scripture, relevant to their hearers and clearly communicated.
Our work is centred around our Acorn Bibliai Képzés (ABK) course – Acorn Bible Training. Twice a year, a cohort of youth pastors, youth leaders, and Bible teachers are equipped in teaching the Bible through a 2 module programme, “Understand well” and “Teach well”. The program takes students through a cycle of:
- seeing good teaching modelled
- studying the text
- writing a talk
- giving a talk and then
- receiving feedback on that talk
It combines different learning techniques and includes a strong practical base of workshops, modelling and feedback.
Over 5 years Acorn aims to transform the lives of 100 youth leaders across Hungary as they grow in their understanding of God’s Word and how to teach it to young people.

Planning to grow
Easily transferable, easy to teach, easy to multiply
We are working hard to develop a training course which is clear, simple (though not simplistic) and easily to replicate. Our aim is first to pilot, revise and finalise the course. Second, we will partner with other pastors, teachers and organisations to deliver the course with our help in other places. Third, training centres expand across Hungary and more youth pastors and leaders are trained in how to teach the Bible a little more faithfully, relevantly and clearly.
Along side our year long course we will fun Regional Training weekends for youth pastors and leaders. These we hope will both train people, but also provide a taster for the ABK course.
We are also involved at the annual Ifi Vezető Képzés, a national training conference for youth leaders. This conference is a great opportunity to both advertise our work, and provide training seminars and talks.
Where are we up to?
The ABK course has been taught under the name of the ‘CORE Training’ course and was modified throughout 2019-2022. After each year we revise the course and adjust according to feedbacks from our students and our mentors. Various options are being explored with Hungarian organisations and individual about partnering with them to run more training programs.
In the early stages of setting up this training course 15 students have been equipped in Bible teaching to youth. Many others have accessed Acorn’s training through Regional Training events, church training events and the national youth conference.

Acorn Hungary Trust is a UK charity (no. 1127958) working in Hungary with over 20 years of experience in youth ministry.
As well as providing evangelistic opportunities, relationships have built up through camps over the years. Now that Acorn has increased its focus on training youth leaders in Bible teaching, it has therefore reduced the energy gone into organising camps. From 2021, Acorn will no longer run camps, rather we will facilitate camps and help Churches organise them – by providing contacts, speakers, teams from the UK, and advice on running camps.
Our UK and Hungarian friends and partner churches appreciate the high quality of work, the personal nature of the work including the importance of partnership and the high level of training and support we provide. We love what we do.